Dual education

The dual form of obtaining higher education is a method of obtaining education by full-time students, which involves training at the workplace at enterprises, institutions and organizations to acquire a certain qualification in the amount of 25% to 60% of the total amount of the educational program based on the contract. On-the-job training involves the performance of job duties in accordance with the employment contract.

The dual form of education provides for the acquisition of education by combining the training of individuals in educational institutions with training at workplaces in enterprises, institutions and organizations to acquire certain qualifications on the basis of a contract.

The main task of the dual form of education is to eliminate the main shortcomings of traditional forms and methods of training future qualified workers, to overcome the gap between theory and practice, education and production, and to improve the quality of training of qualified personnel taking into account the requirements of employers within the framework of new organizational and excellent forms of training. The theoretical part of a specialist’s training takes place on the basis of an educational institution, and the practical part takes place at the workplace. Students combine studies and internships at the enterprise. At the same time, enterprises make orders to educational institutions for a specific number of specialists in a certain specialty, employers participate in the formation of the training program. For their part, employers can have various forms of participation in the training of specialists – they fully pay for training; purchase the necessary equipment; cover all expenses related to the process of their industrial training; pay monetary rewards to students for the use of their work, etc.

The term “dual system” was introduced into pedagogical terminology in the mid-1960s in Germany as a new, more flexible form of organizing vocational training. Dual education in Germany has a clear legal basis and is carried out with the help of chambers of commerce and trade. Canada, Austria, Switzerland and other countries adopted this system from Germany. Dual education is actively practiced in many European countries, where 50% of people receiving education study in this system. Dual education has given new impetus to East Asian countries such as South Korea and China, where it covers 33% of students. In Germany More than 640,000 German enterprises are involved in this process, annually they conclude about half a million agreements on the provision of professional education and invest about 28 billion euros in this industry.

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