Social and psychological service

The purpose of the activity of the service is to increase the efficiency of the educational process, prevent and resolve conflicts between participants of the educational process, protect the mental health and social well-being of students, teachers and employees of NTU “KhPI”

The psychologist of the social and psychological service (SPS) of the university performs the following tasks:

  • psychological diagnosis;
  • psychological counseling;
  • contributes to the full development of the personality of students during their studies, creating conditions for the formation of their motivation for self-education and self-development;
  • psychologically ensures and accompanies the activities of the main groups of university employees;
  • contributes to the improvement of psychological culture, stress resistance of students in the field of study and interpersonal communication;
  • helps in creating a favorable microclimate, overcoming conflicts in student groups;
  • prevention and promotion of the elimination of difficulties in adapting to the constantly changing socio-psychological conditions of life;
  • psychological enlightenment.

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